Our January evening talk An Evening of Rubbish, proved to be very popular with our members as we all learned something about the mysteries of composting. The evening was well attended and a 'Meet and Greet' was held in the smaller room, enabling new members to meet some of our members, and to enjoy wine and nibbles.

The speakers, Joanna Gough and Hector McAllister of BarrGrow Ltd taught us how to turn a load of rubbish into something which works wonders in our gardens, by enriching the soil and benefitting plants. I, for one, was unaware of the carbon ratio which is so important for making good compost and that instead of just throwing old vegetables into the heap whole, we should chop all into two inch pieces! This process resulting in a beautiful, crumbly and odour-free humus.
The evening ended as usual, with refreshments to warm us for our travels home after a very enjoyable and informative meeting. Take a look at the website www.carryoncomposting.com for more information and answers to some questions.
Also read about how Glenarn goes about composting, with an overview from Mike Thornley.