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The Horti's Allotment - August

Following on from an amazing June and July, August has seen a return to the changeable weather we are more accustomed to on the west coast of Scotland. We have seen rain and wind, and the air now has a real hint of Autumn and the next season to come. However it is mild, with long(ish) days, and with some sunshine we are very much still in the growing season, as all the plots on the allotment show.

During the month of August, onions have been pulled and potatoes dug. Beans, courgettes, kale, raspberries, blackberries and carrots are still being harvested.

And with just a few days to go before the annual flower and produce show, there is a keen eye on what is available on the plots, and potential entries!

September brings the final harvest of summer crops and hopefully some fine dry weather. But if we have a dreich weekend or two? At least this gives us time to start planning for next year.


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