Virtual Summer Show 2020 Results
The results are in! Thanks to all that entered and the judges for reviewing the photographs. Below (scroll down) is the list of all winners and runners-up, and a gallery of these entries
The People's Choice is in. Thanks to all of those that voted. We are delighted to announce that the People's winner is Rowan. Well done Rowan!

The winners and runners-up are displayed in the gallery below,. Click on a photo to browse the gallery, or scroll down to view the list of winners and runners-up.

Class 1. One vase of dahlias 5 stems mixed species/cultivar. Winner: Tricia Stewart Runner-up: Adrienne Kerr
Class 2. One vase sweet peas 9 spikes mixed species/cultivar. Winner: Ann Rooney Runner-up: Chris Packard
Class 3. One vase of annuals, three species/cultivar Winner: Jackie Theaker Runner-up: Christine Don
Class 4. "From my garden" an arrangement in a basket. Winner: Ann Packard Runner-up: Lesley McGowan
Pot Plants
Class 5. Two pots of tuberous begonias. Winner: Christine Don Runner-up: Jeanette Caldwell
Class 6. Three cacti or succulents - one per pot. Winner: Stewart Campbell Runner-up: Adrienne Kerr
Class 7. Three onions grown from seed or sets. Winner: Donald Ballance Runner-up: Trevor Glover
Class 8. Five potatoes of any one variety. Winner: Damien Theaker Runner-up: Jacqueline Davis
Class 9. Three courgettes of any one variety. Winner: Sian Sharp Runner-up: Christine Hands
Class 10. A truss of tomatoes. Winner: Margaret Holling Runner-up: Claire Davidson
Class 11. Salad bowl - collection of 4 different salad varieties in a container. Winner: Trevor Glover Runner-up: Jacqueline Davis
Class 12. Collection of different vegetable species /cultivars( maximum 6). Winner: Christine Don Runner-up: Nicky & Terence Brownrigg
Young People
Age 4 - 6 yrs
Class 13. A fairy or dinosaur garden in a soup plate with a flat rim. Winner: Rowan, Age 5
Age 7 - 11 yrs
Class 14 . A creature made from vegetables. Winner: Logan, Age 11 Runners-up: Blythe, Age 9 and Lorna, Age 11
Age 12 - 16 yrs
Class 15. A photograph of "My Favourite Plant". Winner: Iona, Age 13 Runner-up: Kirsty, Age 12
Class 16. Wind chimes using recycled materials. Winner: Veronica Davis Runner-up: Claire Davidson
Class 17. A Garden View. Winner: Stella Irving Runner-up: Jacqueline Davis
Thanks again to all those that took part. Remember you can view all entries from the virtual show page.
If you are not a member of the Society, but are interested in joining - just visit our membership page, or complete the contact form and we will get back to you.
Take a look at the write-ups of previous annual shows